Into the Light

IMG 1615  Version 2

The place where we live
Is seldom home.
Place where we are, often is.

Boatmen, 24 December 2005, Vengurla, Konkan, MH, India

8 thoughts on “Into the Light

  1. Just seen under the recent comments heading here..
    gangadhar and gaizabonts-both ‘re nine letter words and start with ‘ga’..
    Now a days,i get addicted to dis blog,Atul..Why? May be me fascinated with ur pics!!


  2. ==Ganga:
    Thank you – one of those where you can keep looking at it for hours!

    Interesting observation buddy @ GAngadhar & GAizabonts! again! I see it now – how well they line up. 😀 Well, what can I say – I am glad you got addicted. Interestingly this used to be pretty famous when it was on blogspot – guess this ‘house’ needs some ‘housewarming’ 🙂


  3. but i think i never came here when it was in blogspot?
    yeah it needs some housewarming..And i’ll sure add some fuel for it..


  4. […] Watching If I could see better.. for the past couple of days.It’s a wonderful photoblog apart from the beautiful blogs of Rauf,Aamir or i love this photo blog? Both the writing and the photos are fantastic..You happily get lost in these photos for hours.I especially enjoyed Into the Light ! I looked at this photo about 10 times longer than I look at most photos. Good work.A series going on there.Daily one pic,almost..And it just creates a kind of internal disequilibrium, because my brain (and heart) want to be in so many other places. Filed under: Art   |   […]


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